Foraging & Feasting with Dina Falconi

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The ideal introduction to plants, herbs and “weeds” would be to have a grandmother (or grandfather) take us by the hand through the fields and woods from an early age.

In these “modern” times, few of us have that experience. Our guest on this installment of, Dina Falcone, certainly didn’t.

Dina grew up in New York City’s East Village in the 1970s, an urban … Read more

Plant Spirit Medicine

What are plants?

Dumb bundles of cellulose that exist merely to do our bidding?

Sophisticated bio-chemical factories that are the source of countless medicines – and medicines to come?

How about this?

“Plants know us and love us as grandchildren.”

What is a grandparent?

Someone older than you…someone related to you…someone who cares about your well-being…someone in a position to help you in profound ways.

Carlos Castaneda (1925-1998) in his … Read more

Creating food meadows

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There’s farming which can include big corporate farms, small family farms, and gardens.

Then there’s foraging which is roaming around looking for “free” food to pick and eat.

Is there something in between?

Yes there is.

In this wide ranging conversation with Tama Matsuoka Wong we talk about a middle way in which wild edible plants are encouraged to grow.

This is a “new” idea to … Read more

Small scale urban farming

Lots of people have the dream of farming as a living.

If you feel this in your heart, what’s stopping you?

If your image of farming is owning 20 acres in the country, maybe it’s that image that’s getting in your way.

You can grow, you can make money, and you can get started with a lot less than you think.

Farming is a business and if you go about … Read more

Remembering Gene Logsdon


One of our goals for was to do a interview (or three) with farmer/author Gene Logsdon.

Unfortunately before we got to it, Gene passed away after 85 rich years.

Fortunately for all of us, he left us with a lot of writing including over twenty-five books and a fertile weekly blog of nine years (including a post just one week before he passed away.)

What did Gene write about?… Read more

Richard Evans Schultes (1915-2001)

Richard Evans Schultes (1915-2001) was probably the greatest explorer of the Amazon, and regarded among anthropologists and seekers alike as the “father of ethnobotany.”

Taking what was meant to be a short leave from Harvard in 1941, he surveyed the Amazon basin almost continuously for twelve years, during which time he lived among two dozen different Indian tribes, mapped rivers, secretly sought sources of rubber for the US government during … Read more

The spirit of plants and healing with Baba Rahsan

 Baba Rahsan Abdul Hakim

Baba Rahsan Abdul Hakim

Baba Rahsan Abdul Hakim grew up in Jamaica where his training in plants began when he was a small child at the hands of his grandmother, aunt and mother.

His grandfather, Charles Williams, was an important horticulturist and agriculturist who introduced a number of useful plants to Jamaica. He was the uncredited developer of the Hope Garden, the largest botanical garden in the Caribbean.

As an … Read more

Dr. James Duke on the potential of cannabis medicine

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Jim Duke – “Better Living Through Phytochemistry” – with Potentilla recta, Cinquefoil – The Green Farmacy Garden’s legal representative of Cannabis sativa as displayed in the Glaucoma plot of his garden.

If this is your first exposure to Dr. Duke, we strongly recommend you take some time to dig deeper into his work and career.

More more information:

A short bio of Dr. Duke

Dr. Read more interview Dr. Rosita Arvigo

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For more information:

– Ken McCarthy

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